Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012


Drs. Anwar, MM
Associate Librarian Cereals Research Institute, Maros
The ability of a librarian in a paper describing the work record and is one of the librarians are extremely important product for the development of library activities in the present and future. Therefore, for menganlisa a work to obtain a good or perfect predicate in general not be written at a time but many times with different inputs for the improvement of the various parties, especially the librarian who was associate librarian positions and above will or will not be required to make the work written as a prerequisite for advancement kejenjang higher. In addition, activity analysis / criticism of librarianship should continue to be nurtured and developed reading culture and the ability of librarians to submit their opinions and thoughts are well developed because it is in accordance with the current development of the Indonesian people are very put democratization and openness. Where note that the library is an information center, recreation in addition to more easily generate interest in reading.
These will be presented a description of the analytical / critical librarianship to do a librarian al:
Understanding Analysis

Analysis / critique the work of librarian is reading and analyzing works of other people either in writing or other recorded information created in the form of a new paper in the form of review / critique / suggestions / feedback to refine the work.

Guidelines for Analysis / Critique

In making the analysis / critique the work of librarianship is essentially an attempt to provide input to the work of someone meyempurnakan. To be able to produce a good critique, one librarian should use an assessment instrument in a work that can be guided and emulated by other professions. Periodic evaluation of the scientific instruments are issued in cooperation of Higher Education, LIPI and other related institutions may be one of the guidelines within which have been raised several important issues that can be used to assess a work as follows:

1. Title

Short and clear so easy to remember. Long title of the work will be difficult for readers to recognize and remember the work.
a. Highlight areas of science and not the name of the institution or the city. Science should be more highlighted than others such as names and other institutions.
b. There is harmony between the title of the science contained in it. Often the case of a work does not have a high relevance of the title to the content.

2. Institutional publishers

a. Publishers should be incorporated so as to provide legal guarantees for the work published.
b. Institutionalize national and international  standardization  in  particular relating to the ISSN and ISBN. ISO rules, SNI and the like should be one      consideration that the work is less than perfect.

3. Editor
a. Whether the work was prepared by yourself  or  other  people  who  come  to   check (referee, editor) before publication. Moreover many people's minds in the field is essary to perfect a work.
b. If someone else is checked, whether the relevant qualifications and experience in that field. (because the expertise is not because of his position or rank).

4. Stability performance

a. How to layout, type fonts, type of paper, numbering system, and others. Walalupun this seems simple, but its effect on the legibility of a work is crucial.
b. What about his appearance does have a familiar sign of quite attractive (eye catching) so it stands out if stored in a collection of other works. It is usually associated with a color cover, enticing designs, giving rise to the general impression of stability.

5. style of writing

Included in the style of writing is a systematic way of writing, consistency pembaban, presentation drawings and tables, how pengacuan and citations and bibliography preparation.
All of these must follow the prescribed rules if the work is to achieve a certain level of qualification.

6. The substance

Some things to note about the substance of a work.

a. Coverage of scientific fields, especially if the work is to discuss a particular scientific topic. Indicators of the quality of a work is often judged by the specification that is more specialized field of knowledge on the higher quality.
b. Contribution of these works for the advancement of science in the field. This is often demonstrated by the works of the results of research and development.
c. Quality paper, especially of a scientific nature should also be seen from the weight of the reference library is determined by looking at the ratio of primary sources vs. secondary sources. More and more use of primary sources, the higher the value of the work. Instead of excessive use of secondary literature moreover will reduce the value of unpublished work.
d. Recency of material referred to should also have its own assessment. The use of reference of the publication 10 years also become a benchmark of the high quality of a work. Frequency refers to the work itself (self-citation) can reduce the quality.
e. Scientific impact include measure of frequency is referred to in other papers in his field. The more often referred to, the better the work.
f. Universality of the more overlooked than the locality especially        nationalism.

Procedure for Preparation of manuscripts

Based on the above guidance of a librarian to set up the work of analysis / critique through the following activities:

1. Peruse the works that will be analyzed. Choice of materials / works to be analyzed should be tailored to the expertise / skills of people who will perform the analysis.
2. Under existing guidelines, a librarian can make an assessment whether     a work meets existing regulations. Assessment is focused on the           shortcomings alone but also on the excess as a masterpiece.
3. Assessment results are written into the new paper and formulated in the form of reviews, critiques, suggestions, or comments that are all aimed at improving the work.
4. The new paper should be re-examined its feasibility as a review / criticism / suggestions or feedback by asking whether the new content of the work that is useful to refine the work of librarianship which is the object of analysis. If it is not clear effort should be checked repeatedly perfected and improved for the new work is even more critical, decisive, and clear.

If we examine this paper, we can pull the following conclusion:
• The need for understanding the sense of analysis / critique the work of librarianship is the activity of reading and analyzing the work of others in writing or recorded information created new forms of writing in the form of reviews, critiques, suggestions, and feedback to refine the paper.
• Understanding of the guidelines to make the analysis of the paper   to  be clearly and correctly diketahaui following manner such as: title of the  work,   the agency publishers, editors, consistency of appearance, style and  substance of the content of the work.

• The procedure for making a script analysis / criticism of the work was initiated: by perusing the standard guidelines for improving the professionalism and examined again.

• It is hoped that librarians are given wider leeway to obtain credit points in the execution of his duty, especially in the writing of the paper.


Haryono, Billy Gito.2010. Website as  a  medium for  dissemination  of  research results area / study.

Indonesia.  SK  Menpan Number: 132/Kep/M.PAN/12/2002. The new regulations functional position of librarian.

Mujiat, 2008. The Role Of School Library Penddikan Quality in Schools. Date accessed 12 November 2009 at

http://sdpawyatandaha2kdr.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/peranan school quality educa tion to the school library.

Surahman, Arif. , 2009. Law No.43 of 2007. Opportunities and Challenges for Librarians. Final Paper Competition Outstanding Librarian Best DIY Provincial June 29, 2009 in Yogyakarta Kagame building.

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